space divider; massive oak, woolen felt. 77 x 57 x 30 cm
Diplomate is a desk divider; an oak frame and natural felt screen. Noise and confusion are a constant part of our daily lives. Diplomate is an opportunity for diplomacy in an urban environment. It is a peaceful negotiation of shared space. As a desk divider it invites us to keep a certain distance away from the many distractions. In this isolation we can delve further into our own thoughts and work. In addition, the natural felt’s curve serves as an artful and discrete way to hide smaller objects.
Status / free for edition

© Photo Credit Miko/Miko Studio
stool; solid oak. 35 x 45, 65, 75 x 20, 27, 32 cm
Zaventem Ateliers
Fabrieksstraat, 15/19
1930 Zaventem